Pennant are proud to announce that from January 2019 the majority of our standard products we manufacture from acrylic will be made from 100% recycled acrylic called Greencast®. We may also use 90% recycled acrylic as an alternative. 


100% recycled acrylic is now a viable alternative, it looks, performs and has the lifespan of standard cast acrylic at little extra cost. As well as being manufactured from 100% scrap acrylic, the amount of Carbon produced during manufacture is reduced by approximately 75%.


 If you are looking for a real “green” alternative acrylic solution Greencast is the option:-


  • Premium quality branded cast acrylic sheets
  • Manufactured, tested and validated within the EU for more than 2 years
  • Available in 3mm to 20mm thick sheets
  • Available in sheet sizes 3050 x 2030 or 2030 x 1520mm
  • Standard UK colour range available - Colour matching and specials available upon request
  • Available as a standard gloss sheet or a variety of materials such as Satinglas (frosted) sheets and SetaLED for LED light box illumination



About Greencast


Greencast is a premium quality, branded cast acrylic manufactured in Italy by Madreperla SPA. Now in production and the market place for more than 2 years, Greencast looks, performs, fabricates and lasts as long as standard virgin acrylics. It is available in a full range of clears, opals and colours as well as the speciality grades such as Satinglas, Seta LED and Metallics.

Thanks to Greencast, the manufacturer ensures that rather than disposing PMMA scraps through landfill or incineration, or sending them outside Europe (that involves again energy consumption in transportation), they are recycled locally into new cast acrylic sheets.

The process can be repeated over and over, and Greencast sheets can be recycled in a continuous virtual cycle. Greencast is as crystal clear as a standard sheet obtained from virgin synthetic monomer and is fully complying with ISO 7823.1 norm for cast sheets, thanks to the proprietary technology used in the cracking and distillation processes of the scrapped material.


To summarize, Greencast is far more environmentally friendly than a standard acrylic sheet because:

  • Greencast uses 100% raw material recovered from scraps
  • Greencast uses less energy as the process burns its own waste products for the production of the necessary heat
  • Greencast needs no fuel consumption for transportation of virgin MMA (recycled monomer is used locally)
  • Greencast has been independently verified and tested by German and Italian universities - certification available upon request.
  • Greencast uses less water and CO2 to manufacture than virgin sheet production - data available upon request.
  • Greencast is VOC and HFC free.
  • Greencast has the same mechanical and physical properties as standard virgin acrylic.


Please contact us if you have any inquiries or would like more detailed technical information.